Thursday, January 5, 2012

Couponing:The Extreme Video Course

This is a course for anyone rather they are just starting or been couponing for quite sometime. I would highly recommend you trying Couponing:The Extreme Video Courseby Rayven Perkins. I have used coupons for quite sometime, but really started using them about five months ago. This course answered a lot of questions, and taught me tricks to the art of coupons.

Did you know you can save between 25% to 90%? I can only imagine what can be done with all that money I would be saving. Using coupons I won't have to worry about if I will have enough money at the next trip to the grocery store. Wouldn't it be great if at the next snow storm you didn't have to worry because you already had everything you needed? Best part it was free or close to free!

I have heard people commenting since the movie come out on how these people were hoarders. I look at it as supplying for your family. If you get too much no one tells you, you have to store it. This programs also gives you ideas where to donate all your extra free items.

The online classes in this course comes complete with 14 videos, 35 page pdf workbook that goes with the videos, and a members only resource web page with more links.

Each video is well put together with examples. The videos are short but yet very well to the point, so that it don't become overwhelming to understand. They also explain individual store policies such as Walgreens and CVS. There is so much I can't even begin to cover it all here in this review.

Here is just an example of what the videos are. Coupons allows me to make being a stay at home mom even easier.   

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I tried to follow you but wasn't able to but added you to google plus

    1. Here is my Google plus URL
